dilluns, 2 de maig del 2016

Learning about FOOD II

Food is one of our favourite topics, as there are many different ways of working English around Food. With our youngest students we love listening to the funny versions of Do you like song of Super Simple Songs

There are now 4 or 5 different versions, that help us work on grammar structure Do you ? Yes I do / No I don't, plus vocabulary.

We also use the opportunity to talk about BREAKFAST/ LUNCH and DINNER ( or supper). We made a poster with our older students about what do they have for each meal?

We will also be talking about what do we use to EAT. I take a box with a spoon, fork, knife, glass, plate, bowl, napkin, tray and cup ( plastic of course!). We look and repeat orally the vocabulary, then write it down on a paper. 

 I also use the opportunity to ask them what is their favourite food and get the conversation going around!!

Have a great day!