dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2015

Paper Christmas tree

One of our favourite sites and facebook page and pinterest board is Red Ted Art.  Just to get great ideas, inspiration and motivation, I assure it is worth it!

 Si voleu idees genial, originals i creatives, heu de fer-vos seguidors d'aquesta pàgina. Comparteix moltíssim material a més a més de projectes i idees.

We decided to try out the paper Christmas tree, and it was a great success!!

Aleksandar working on his tree!

We both made a Christmas tree each ( fantastic for adults too!), plus we got to do some origami!

Click here for the link in Red Ted Arts page to download the paper trees and enjoy!

dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Sock snowmen

Back to our handcrafts! We decided to start getting our Christmas decorations ready. After discussing what to do first, Aleks and Pau decided they wanted some snowmen, as we don't get any snow in Torredembarra!

 This is what we did! ( great for ages 3 to 8 year olds!)

We used some old baby socks, white for the body,and coloured ones for the hat! We filled our snowmen with cotton, but I have seen a very nice version with rice. It makes them more stable! We used thread to tie the sock, and then some leftover material to make a scarf. Some old buttons, little paper pompons and felt pens did the rest! They really enjoyed it and even took them to school to show their friends!

dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2015


I m in the middle of celebrating Spring, Nature and Earth day at our English activities this month.

I have come accross some fantastic ideas and inspiring units and wanted to share with you some of them!

Younger students love learning about Spring, nature and specially BUGS. Check out Crafts by Amanda where you can find some beautiful and fantastic ideas to do with kids. We were inspired by her to do our own twirling ladybirds and children loved it!

Another fantastic set of ideas comes from Renae at Every Star is different . You will find a fantastic flower unit, inspired by Montessori.

At the helpful Garden you can find some amazing material, It was great to come across a Montessori Botany nomenclature set for primary 3 to 6 years. We used it in our activities and children loved listening and learning about parts of plants and trees.

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a fantastic Earth Day!

divendres, 13 de març del 2015

Learning about FOOD

 Food is always one of my favourite topics to teach. It gives you a wide range of opportunities to experiment, touch&feel, learn, discover something that is both real and part of our daily routine.

 Algunes de les activitats que he treballat amb els diferents grups que ensenyo són:

 Food power point presentation : eina visual amb imatges fotogràfiques. Serveix tant per introduir vocabulari com per repassar-lo i consolidar-lo. Especialment interessant a partir de P3/P4. Podeu trobar la presentació a slideshare

 Songs: ens encanta la canço " Do you like..." de Super Simple Song. Fantàstica per totes les edats. Introduïm vocabulari, estructures gramaticales per fer preguntes "Do you like..." amb respostes afirmatives i negatives. És també genial per deixar els nens ser creatius i pensar les seves aportacions!
Aquí el link

 Dinner plate: " What do you like to eat for dinner?" Aquí unes imatges d'aquesta activitat.

I printed the mats from the fantastic page Picklebums . Kate shares all kind of fantastic ideas, tools, suggestions. Follow her on facebook, you will not be dissapointed!

That's all from me today, remember Have fun and enjoy learning English with your little ones!

diumenge, 11 de gener del 2015

Handmade mug holders or glass mats

Hi everyone!

 Although this would have been a great idea as a Christmas gift, we actually just made the mats for fun, as I had the woden mats around for some time and was trying to find an amusing way for Aleksandar and Pau to use them.

 Vam comprar les bases de fusta en un basar, a molt bon preu. Crec que feia prop d'un any que les tenia per casa sense fer-les servir.

 Els reis ens han portat pintura i pinzells nous, o sigui que un més un, i let's go!

 Basics such as playdough ( plastelina), paint ( pintura), scissors and paper, are a must at our house. Stickers and bits and pieces are always welcome, and will eventually find a way to be used.

Aleksandar choose to paint one colour each mat. 

Pau on the other hand, was happy to experiment and mix!

L'únic que ens falta es potser posar una capa de vernís a sobre les bases per tal d'allargar la seva vida útil.

 As the weather gets a bit cold, and we tend to stay at home more often, I will be posting more indoor activities.

 Have fun and enjoy!