diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014

Incy wincy spider

Hello everyone,

 Halloween is near and that means scary things and costumes. Well, some children love scary things, others get scared.

 When I started working last year at the daycare, I used to have children aged 6 months to 2 years old. Instead of talking about monsters, witches or jack o lanterns, I decided to talk about spiders....well, one specific spider, who is a very friendly spider.

 This year, we started some of our halloween decorations with incy wincy spider. 

 It was quite a simple activity. First we used FINGER PAINT (make your own homemade fingerpaint ). We used black, made a print of their hand with paint on an orange PAPER PLATE. You can also cut out a PAPER CIRCLE OR SQUARE. 

While the paint was drying ( I am thinking of using an alternative with my students at school. They will draw the spider and cut it out and stick it on the paper/plate not sure still which one to use!) I cut holes around the edge with a paper puncher (or hole punch). 

Once the paint was dry, we gave incy wincy EYES. We got a pack of plastic eyes from a shop, but you can also paint them! 

The final touch as you can see was making the spider web for incy wincy. I stuck a piece of white wool on the back of the plate with sticky tape and then let the boys make the pattern they wanted.
Simple, easy and they had loads of fun!

 You can also sing with your little ones the incy wincy spider song. You will find lots of versions on the internet. This is the one we like, which you can find on my youtube playlist

And remember, have fun and enjoy!

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2014

Giant Bubbles

As it looks like the sunny and nice weather will be around this weekend, why not try to make giant bubbles?. My suggestion, is simply to go outside and try . We had to give it a go a few times before we actually managed to get some good size "giant" bubbles.

 In any case, take all kinds of material that you can use to blow bubbles, and your kids will certainly have fun for a while!

You need these ingredients and lots of patience

 Remember: Have fun and enjoy!!