dimecres, 24 de setembre del 2014

Homemade playdough ( non edible)

Hello everyone!!!

 because you never know when the weather might suddenly change, and autumn might decide to appear, it is useful to have some indoor activities that are really easy and simple to organise.

 I found this homemade playdough at Happy Hooligans web, which by the way is a fantastic website and has loads of ideas. I follow them both thru pinterest, facebook and check the web from time to time. Totally recommended!!

 As you will see, you only need two ingredients: HAIR CONDITIONER (any brand or make will do) and flour ( we started off with cornflour but needed some plain flour at the end. If you want the gluten free option then go for the cornflour!!)

 Just take a look at our two boys. Pau, our youngest was not specially motivated to make the playdough, but once he saw the final result, he decided he wanted to play with it. They loved it!

PLEASE REMEMBER! This is a non edible version. So if playing with babies or toddlers, keep an eye on them.

 Have fun and enjoy!

dimecres, 17 de setembre del 2014

Icing Cupcakes

Una de les passions d'aquesta família nostra és cuinar i fer rebosteria, tot i que al final, el que més ens agrada és la xocolata tal qual.

 L'Aleksandar s'ha aficionat molt a la rebosteria, i de tant en quant demana de fer algún pastís o cupcakes (semblants a les magdalenes).

 La setmana passada vam decidir fer uns cupcakes senzillets, recoberts només amb glasa de colors i sprinkles, perletes, figuretes...Com que també faig cosetes de rebosteria a casa tenim assortiment, peró avui en dia, a tots els supermercats podeu trobar tant el sucre glas per fer glasa com decoracions.

 Us deixo la recepta i algunes fotos.És una gran oportunitat per practicar amb els peques vocabulari, ingredients i colors.

 Aquí teniu

i la recepta!!

Have fun and enjoy!!

dimecres, 10 de setembre del 2014

Mountain Jar

I have recently discovered hundreds of ideas and projects to do with my two boys, among many, we really like the "experience jars".

 We used the opportunity of going on a short day trip to the mountain last week, to pick up all kinds of things that remind us of the mountain.

 Let's say, mountain souvenirs!

Once back home, we bought a big plastic jar ( I think it was less than 2€) and started our activity.

We checked what we had, we said the words in English and decided to also practice a bit of writing, to decorate the jar. Aleksandar had loads of fun, and looks forward to our next "experience jar"

Have fun and enjoy!

divendres, 5 de setembre del 2014

Family excursion - Poblet and La Roca de l'Abella

 Hello everyone,

  Last week we went on a little excursion, to a nearby picnic area called "La Roca de l'Abella", just a few kilometres away from Poblet, and near Riudabella. 

 It is a beautiful place, although due to the hot and dry weather, we were not able to see much water around, so we will be back in the autumn for more!!

 It is a short walk ( less than 1 km) which makes it easy to do with little children. Both our boys loved picking up LEAVES (FULLES), BRANCHES (BRANQUES), STONES (PEDRES), BLACKBERRIES (MORES), MOSS (MOLSA) and FLOWERS (FLORS). We will show you next week the activity we have planned to do with all this. It will be our MOUNTAIN JAR.

Here you have some pics 

 The reason we chose this excursion was because two years ago I discovered a great newsletter/web/blog managed by a family and for families. It has this wonderful newsletter, with all kind of useful and interesting ideas and suggestions about what to do and see with children in our local area, Tarragona province. It is called EXPLORA TARRAGONA and it has also been publishing some fantastic books full of excursions, not only in the Tarragona area, but also in other areas such as the Ebre and central Catalonia. Please visit and subscribe, they have info in Catalan, Spanish and English, and regular updates.

dimarts, 2 de setembre del 2014

Back to school with a big HELLO!!!

 September usually means back to the daily routine and for families with children, it means back to school. 

 One of our favourite songs which I have used many times with children, is this super simple Hello song. It has everything you could wish for, simple lyrics, easy to follow tune, actions and repetition.

  In case you want to sing along with your children, here you have the lyrics to the song!!

The second time around, just change CAN YOU CLAP YOUR HANDS for CAN YOU STOMP YOUR FEET!

Have a great time and enjoy!