diumenge, 24 d’agost del 2014

Peppa Pig goes on holiday

Hello everyone!

 As we are currently enjoying some nice, cool weather, and probably staying more indoors due to the rain, why not watch cartoons with the youngest at home? We love cartoons at home, specially Peppa Pig. This is one of our favourites, and as it refers to holidays, just perfect for this time of the year. 

Watch and try and get your little ones to remember some of the words in English:  HOLIDAYS,  CAMPER VAN, DUCKS, MAP,...choose depending on age and interest.

Per cert, si teniu tablet o smartphone, us recomano que busque i descarregueu del  PLAY STORE (el nostre es ANDROID), un YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER ( una app que us permetrà descarregar videos de youtube i guardar-los al movil o a la tablet, pero poder mirar sense connexió a internet). 

Have fun and enjoy!!

dilluns, 18 d’agost del 2014

Homemade finger paint


 només comentar-vos que nosaltres directament vam fer la barreja de corn flour (maizena) amb aigua.

 Have fun and enjoy!!

dimarts, 12 d’agost del 2014


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Have a nice day!